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Prev: Jun 2007
Next: Aug 2007
July 5 - The road building is continuing. Most of the brush has been cleared. Clay and sand have been put down.
July 5 - This beautiful drive through the woods is how the Campbells will access their new home.
July 6 - This is where the Campbell Residence will be built. The building site will be cleared in the next few days.
July 6 - Some of the brush along side of the new road is being cleared. Within a day or two, the roadwork will be complete.
July 13 - The lot is marked for clearing. We are now waiting for No Cuts to make sure there are no wires or utilities buried in the area.
July 13 - The lot is marked for clearing. We are now waiting for No Cuts to make sure there are no wires or utilities buried in the area.
July 24 - The clearing equipment arrived this morning. We took a quick tour of the site to insure the operator knew what to remove.
July 24 - The huge track hoe fills the roadway as it moves to the site. The operator estimates it will take a couple of days to clear the lot.
July 24 - There is now a clearing. The felled trees are awaiting a ride to the mulch facility.
July 24 - About half of the trees are down and waiting for the truck. Many of the remaining trees have to be cut so roots of other trees are not disturbed.
July 24 - The cleared land really exposes the beauty of this lot. This is looking NW from an old trail into the lot center.
July 24 - The bucket on the track hoe is huge. It has large teeth on the bucket and a jaw (on the right) that can close to grip the trees.
July 25 - Lot clearing continues. It is about half done this morning. Extra care is being used to protect the trees that stay to preserve the beauty of the lot.
July 25 - The clearing should be done by Thursday. After that, the lot will be smoothed and foundation work is planned to begin Monday. The building permit should be issued any day.
July 26 - The clearing is progressing. It should be finished today. There are only three trees to be dug still. About a dozen or so will be cut so we don't disturb the roots of other trees.
July 26 - This is the entrance to the lot. The roadway has some light colored fill dirt on it.
July 26 - The 18 wheeler dump trucks can drive down the road, but they fill it up.
July 27 - The morning sun is shining through the trees at Campbell's home site. About half of his acre lot is clear. The remainder will remain wooded.
July 27 - The driveway enters from the far side (behind the truck). The house will be near the center of the opening. The garage will be built on the right side of the photo.
July 30 - The clearing is finished. Today, the lot will be graded. The house will be relocated on the lot. Before clearing, corners were marked with steel rods. Trenches for footers will be dug in a day or so.
July 31 - The lot has been cleared and leveled. It is now being laid out so trenches can be dug for footers.
July 31 - Steel rebar is in place for the footers. Weather permitting, the steel will be placed in a day or so.