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Prev: Aug 2008
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September 18 - Framing is being finished in the great room. The wall over the kitchen (at the far end) is now framed.
September 2 - The master suite on the north end is sheathed. The ladder is leaning up where the owner's entrance porch will be built.
September 3 - Plywood sheathing is going down on the roof and hurricane Hanna is coming...
September 3 - Rafters are being installed over the master suite and Mary's studio. This is the last area for rafters.
September 3 - Part of the morning was spent securing material in case hurricane Hanna decides to 'visit' us. We will get a good bit of roof sheathing on today.
September 3 - The plywood roofing is being installed. It looks like hurricane Hanna will come ashore farther up the coast.
September 5 - The framing for the most complex side of the house is finally taking shape. There are 5 different wall heights, 6 different overhang lengths and 10 separate corners to frame around.
September 5 - The plywood is being covered with Ice & Water shield before the rains come from tropical storm Hanna.
September 5 - The Ice & Water shield is a thick adhesive backed material that will keep rain out even without roof covering.
September 5 - Tools are up and lumber put away for safety during the residual weather from tropical storm Hanna.
September 5 - The roof is covered and ready for rain. The crew has left for the week and will return again Monday.
September 9 - The sun is rising behind the house. More of the roof is covered. In a day or two, the porches will be poured.
September 9 - From the front of the house, you can see directly through the house. The dormer over the front door opens to the tall entrance foyer.
September 9 - The entrance porch dormer is framed. There is a small storage area on the right of the owners entrance.
September 9 - The great room dormers look towards the east. A porch roof will be built over the rear deck. The steel rods for tie down purposes are being installed.
September 9 - The Isokern firebox has been lined with bricks. The fireplace will have a slate surround when it is completed.
September 9 - The entrance foyer is open to the dormers over the front door.
September 9 - The south side of the house is sheathed. The garage and Mary's studio are on the left at the far end of the house. The room on the right in the foreground is one of the guest bedrooms.
September 10 - The beams and columns for the rear porch are being erected. At the far end of the porch, ceiling joists are being placed.
September 10 - The ceiling joists on the porch are visible at the right (north) side of the photo. The lower deck has no roof over it.
September 10 - Eave brackets are fabricated and ready for installation. There are two different types on the Lord's residence as can be seen. They will be installed in the next few days.
September 10 - The front porch (and owner's entry porch) are formed and ready for pouring. The chance of rain is 70% today and tomorrow, so it remains to be seen when they will actually be poured. Both have a brick border on the outside edge.
September 10 - The front porch has been poured and now shell is being embedded in it. There is a ledge on the front (lower left) for a row of bricks.
September 10 - The owner's entrance is formed and will be poured later this afternoon. The concrete will have shells in it like the front porch. Likewise, it will have a brick border.
September 10 - The front porch is now finished except for the brick border. The side porch is also complete.
September 11 - The back porch roof sheathing is nearly complete, as is the east great room dormer. Today, most of the sheathing will be finished.
September 11 - With the porch roof sheathing to brace the east wall, the interior bracing in the great room could be removed. The door beside the fireplace goes to the south screened porch. The doors on the left go to the east covered porch.
September 11 - The kitchen is on the north end of the great room. It is under the lowered ceiling. A wall will close off the space above the kitchen.
September 11 - This is a view looking north along the hallway. The great room is to the right and the entrance foyer is to the left. The stairs to Mary's studio are visible. The far door is the owner's entrance.
September 12 - The brick border is on the front porch. The color of the shell concrete is uneven because some is still wet from last night's rain. The temporary post will be replaced soon.
September 12 - The roof on the north side of the master wing is being sheathed. It should be (weather permitting) completed today. This is the last remaining roof to be sheathed.
September 12 - The heavy ice and water shield is on most of the roof. It makes a water tight roof during the building process.
September 12 - The east side of the rear porch is framed and roofed. There will be steps from the upper porch to the lower deck. Part of the upper porch is screened and part is not.
September 15 - Much of the roof has ice and water shield on it. The dormer in Mary's studio (on the left) now has a roof and covering.
September 15 - Much of the north slope of the roof was covered with plywood on Friday. It will be covered with ice and water shield today.
September 16 - With the roof in place, the interior is a bit darker. This is Mary's studio as viewed from the stairway. The large dormer on the right is over the garage doors.
September 16 - This is the larger dormer in Mary's studio. It overlooks the parking area outside the owner's entrance.
September 16 - The interior braces have been removed in the great room. The beams are now being built between the dormer windows.
September 16 - The rear porch beams, columns and roof are in place. The door at the far end is into the master suite. the doors on the left go to the great room. The far end of the porch will be screened.
September 17 - The great room dormer has dividers between the windows. Decorative beams will be built in the great room ceiling.
September 17 - This is the view from the master suite looking east over the marsh. The tide is out, so there is not much water visible.
September 17 - The room in the center is the laundry room. The garage entrance is on the left. The owner's entry is on the right, but not in view.
September 17 - The posts and beams for the public screened porch are in place. Framing will begin on the porch roof soon.
September 18 - From the driveway, the house is taking shape. The roofs are covered. They are pretty much complete except for the public screened porch. It will be done shortly.
September 18 - This is how the house appears from the road. Once it is complete, it will have considerable screening around it.
September 18 - Several days ago, the owner's porch got a brick border. It will have a column at the corner soon.
September 18 - At the south end of the great room, framing has been built around the fireplace.
September 18 - The columns are up on the south end of the public screened porch. The beams are due to arrive today. They will be installed in a few days.
September 19 - The beams are going up around the public screened porch.
September 19 - This is Mary's studio. The studs on the left are for a closet. The board fence along the road is visible through the windows.
September 19 - This is looking east in Mary's studio. The steps that are staggered go up to the attic storage areas. Just to the left of them are the steps down. The room on the right is where a future bath could be installed.
September 19 - This a large storage area over the kitchen, hallway and office. It is accessed via the attic storage over the owner's entrance and master bath areas. All of the attic storage is accessed from Mary's studio.
September 23 - The screened porch beams are going into place. The framing around this porch is heavy timbers assembled with large bolts and steel plates.
September 23 - Here you can see the horizontal blocking in the interior walls. These blocks serve to stiffen the walls as well as keep them straighter.
September 23 - This is the high ceiling in the master bedroom. It is vaulted on each side and is flattened out at 16' off the floor.
September 23 - The owner's entry porch and beam are nearly done. This gable will be sided with cedar shingles.
September 23 - This is the north dormer of the studio and also shows the access doors to the knee-spaced storage on either side.
September 23 - The access door and steps up into the attic.
September 23 - A 'bench' is formed by the ceiling of the stairwell. An unanticipated feature that was capitalized on.
September 23 - Here you can see the 'cat-walk' built for access to the far attic for maintenance purposes.
September 24 - Here is the gable truss on the screened porch. Most of the framing is complete for the porch roof now.
September 24 - The truss is built of solid treated pine beams. These beams will be held together permanently by stainless steel brackets.
September 24 - A side view of the porch through the trees. It looks like one of the limbs will have to trimmed a bit more to make way for the roof.
September 24 - A view looking up at the truss from the ground. Tomorrow the roof will be sheeted and weatherproofed if the weather holds out.
September 25 - A view through the trees of the finished screened porch roof.
September 25 - This is a view from the rear of the screened porch with the roof waterproofed.
September 25 - An inside view of the screened porch beam truss with the roof sheathing finished above.
September 25 - A view of the rear porch from the master bed room. The beam going across is the division between the screened and open porch.
September 25 - This is the finished ceiling framing above the master bath tub.
September 29 - Here you can see the exterior trim is started. The soffit and fascia goes on first.
September 29 - The housewrap is nearly complete.
September 29 - Once the housewrap is complete the windows and doors will be installed and the exterior finish applied.
September 29 - Plumbing rough-in started today. The drains and vents are done and supply lines will start tomorrow.
September 29 - The tub & fixtures have arrived and are ready for installation.