July 2 - The rafters are being installed. You can see the dormers being framed on the front.
July 2 - This is the ceiling of the first floor. It is also the bottom of the second floor boards.
July 2 - This an end view of the upstairs floor boards. They are tongued and grooved.
July 2 - This is the back right corner. The dining room window is towards the camera. The chimey will be on the left side of this photo.
July 3 - The dormers are being framed along with the roof. The rafters should get finished today.
July 3 - This is a view of the left end of the cabin. you can see where the dormers are on the front and back of the cabin.
July 9 - This is a view from the front left of the home. Most of the rafter framing is finished. You can see the three front dormers.
July 9 - This is from the left rear of the house. The three back dormers are easy to see on the roof.
July 9 - This is from the left rear of the house. The three back dormers are easy to see on the roof.
July 10 - The log cabin rafters should be finished today. Work will then begin on the deck.
July 11 - The deck on the left side of the house is framed. It will get a double band around the outside.
July 11 - This is the rear and left side of the house. The rear is also framed.
July 11 - This is looking out the dining room door along what will soon be the deck towards the left of the house.
July 12 - The west (left) deck is being built. Deck framing is about done around the house.
July 12 - This is the front of the house. A brick and stone porch goes in the opening.
July 12 - This is the front of the house. You can see the deck framing around the house.
July 13 - This is the rear deck looking west. The porch is about 8 feet wide and will go around the house.
July 13 - This is the east deck. The opening is where the fireplace will be built.
July 13 - This is the front of the house. The front door has a board going up to it. The area by the front door will have a brick and stone patio.
July 16 - The west gable end is up. The ends of the boards have to be trimmed to match the rafters.
July 16 - The east gable end has not been installed yet. The plan is to put it up today.
July 17 - Porch columns are being set up. The porch beam is already on the back of the house.
July 17 - The back porch is moving along nicely. A rafter is at the end.
July 18 - The east gable end is getting siding installed. This is the last of the siding on the cabin.
July 18 - The back porch has rafters. Within a few days, the cabin will have a roof.
July 19 - The front and both sides now have posts for wrap around porch.
July 19 - Upstairs will have two bedrooms and two bathrooms. It has six dormers.
July 20 - The posts and porch rafters are installed on the east porch.
July 20 - The back porch has posts, beams and rafters installed. It will get plywood sheathing in the next day or so.
July 20 - The front porch posts and beams are up. In the center section where the patio will be, there are temporary posts.
July 23 - The roof sheathing has begun on the front porch and between the dormers.
July 23 - The front porch roof is sheathed. Soon it will have a ceiling.
July 24 - The porch roof now has ceiling joists. Soon the electricians will wire the fans and the lights that will go in the porch ceiling. The wire hanging down by the dining room door goes to the fans and lights.
July 25 - The porch roof framing is complete. Plywood sheathing is being installed on the roof.
July 25 - Within a week or so, roofing will begin. The cabin gets a painted steel roof.
July 26 - Plywood sheathing continues to be installed on the roof. Rain showers have caused a few delays.
July 26 - The porch rafters are installed around the house. The catwalk around the porch is temporary.
July 30 - The roof is sheathed with plywood. Much of the felt paper is now installed. Roofing will begin in the next day or two.
July 30 - This is the left rear of the house. The door goes to the mud/laundry room.
July 30 - This is the right rear corner of the house. The large window goes to the dining room.
July 30 - The porch ceilings are finished. Wiring is done for the porch lights and fans. The porch ceiling board has been started on the left side.
July 30 - The second story is looking big with the roof sheathing in place.