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Prev: Sep 2007
Next: Nov 2007
October 1 - Temporary steps have been built to the garage second story. The permanent steps will replace these steps in the next few months.
October 1 - The house is clearly visible out the dormer window on the second floor of the garage.
October 3 - Plywood is going down on the second floor. It is being glued and nailed in place. Weather permitting, (there is a 70% chance of rain) the plywood should be finished today.
October 3 - With the first floor in place, the chimneys don't look as tall as they did. Once the second floor and roof are framed, the chimneys will be a very natural looking height.
October 3 - You can see where the front porch goes. Treated plywood sheathing is used where the porch contacts the house. The porch will be framed before long.
October 3 - A dropped beam is in the wall so the second floor trusses could run from the front to the rear of the house with no breaks.
October 9 - Wrap is being installed on the garage. Today, it will be dried in.
October 9 - The knee walls are built and much of the plywood sheathing is in place. The second floor walls will be built soon.
October 9 - The great room is shaping up. The openings to the right of the fireplace will be windows. The openings on the left are where plywood sheathing needs to be installed.
October 10 - The garage has been house wrapped except for a small part on the east (right) side. Another roll is due soon. Notice the columns on the ground behind the framer.
October 10 - The stairway is being built. It is just inside the front door. Notice it has two double and two triple stringers to make it solid.
October 11 - Roof framing has begun. The ridge beam is up on the right and rafters are being installed. The roof should be framed in a few days.
October 11 - Bath tubs and shower enclosures have arrived. They will be stored and installed in a few days.
October 11 - The rough in stairway is built. It will not be finished until late in the project.
October 11 - This is a view from the kitchen to the Carolina room. The laundry and mud rooms are on the left.
October 12 - Roof framing is proceeding nicely. The opening is where a dormer will be built. By the end of next week, the house should be dried in.
October 12 - The gable roof over the master bedroom is being framed. The fireplace is on the porch.
October 15 - The gable roof is on the master bedroom suite. The rear porch is to the right of the master suite (looking from the back.)
October 15 - The chimneys don't look so high now. The porch will also have a gable roof on it to match the master bedroom suite.
October 15 - Upstairs walls are being framed. The master bedroom gable roof is visible on the right edge of the house at the rear.
October 17 - Framing continues. The dormer walls are being framed today. Most of the upstairs interior walls are framed.
October 19 - The upstairs shower has been installed. It is covered to protect it during the construction process.
October 19 - The rafters are being blocked. Plywood sheathing will be installed on the roof today, weather permitting.
October 19 - The upstairs framing is moving along nicely. The reddish plywood on the floor is 3/4 inch.
October 19 - The view of a golf course from an upstairs bedroom.
October 22 - The front half of the roof is mostly sheathed and covered with water and ice shield. Work is continuing on the roof sheathing today.
October 22 - Plumbing rough in will be finished on the first floor today. The vertical waste lines will be changed to cast iron instead of PVC as they are in this photo.
October 27 - The rear of the house has been sheathed. The roof has ice and water shield on it. The bottom of the roof is not complete yet because the porch roof ties into the main roof in this area. The plywood is dark because it is wet from rain.
October 27 - The front roof is being completed. You can see the tub surround where the dormer window will be. The windows on the right downstairs are not cut out yet, so they appear shorter than they will be.
October 29 - The dormer rafters are installed. The exposed rafter tails will be installed soon. The plywood is dry now, so it is lighter in color.
October 29 - Sheathing is going on the master bedroom roof. It will be covered with ice and water shield soon.
October 31 - The dormers have been dried in. The porch framing has begun.
October 31 - The roof is on and dried in over the master suite. The rear porch will be built next.
October 31 - This is the attic space over the master bedroom. You can see there will be a window in this gable.