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Prev: Mar 2007
Next: May 2007
April 2 - The Gitlitz Cottage in April. Today insulation will start. Trim will be painted soon.
April 4 - The railings are being painted the trim color. Both the skirt boards (white) and hog fencing will be painted green.
April 4 - The roof is getting spray in foam for superior insulation.
April 4 - The people who spray the foam insulation are dressed in isolation suits.
April 9 - The porch railings and posts are painted. The skirt board on the left side still needs paint.
April 11 - This is a view of the kitchen area. The fiberglass wall insulation and foam roof insulation has been installed. You can see the red (hot) and blue (cold) water lines for the sink on the right of the photo.
April 11 - This is a view looking into the bathroom from the master bedroom. The white box is the rear of the tankless water heater. It will be covered with sheet rock today and no longer visible in the bedroom.
April 12 - Sheet rock was started (and will be completed) today. Some sheet rock is visible through the door in the master bathroom.
April 12 - Most of the sheet rock has been installed. The ceilings will be wooden.
April 17 - The sheet rock is complete. The ceiling will be wood. The dark spots on the ceiling are lights.
April 18 - The back porch of Gitlitz' Cottage is looking good. Exterior painting is nearly complete.
April 18
April 23 - The sheet rock is being finished at the Cottage. Within a few days the ceiling boards will be installed.
April 25 - Most of the exterior is painted. Sheet rock finishing should be done in a day or two. Ceiling boards will be installed soon.
April 25 - The sheet rock is pretty well finished. Next week, interior trim will begin.
April 27 - This is a view of the northeast corner of the Gitlitz Cottage. The service yard is on the right.