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Prev: Apr 2007
Next: Jun 2007
May 1 - Framing of the garage has begun. Yesterday, most of the first floor walls were erected.
May 1 - This is a view of the garage from the south side of the cottage. The slab at the back is where the stair well will be built.
May 2 - The first floor has plywood on it. The second floor is in place. The stairs are being figured and will be built tomorrow.
May 2 - The room on the right is the stairwell. The part in front of the tree will be two story (probably tomorrow).
May 2 - This is inside the garage. The area in the back with the two men is the stairwell. The outside door is at the back on the right.
May 2 - This is what the garage looks like from the front porch of the cottage. The room on the right is for storage.
May 3 - This is a view of the garage. The room close to the camera will have two windows and a deck on top. It is a storage room.
May 3 - This shows the relationship between the cottage and the garage. The storage room is to the right of the garage door.
May 4 - The second floor is framed and has some plywood on it. This picture was taken from the front steps of the cottage.
May 7 - Steps are being built in the stairwell. The steps wrap around a storage area.
May 7 - More framing is going up on the garage. The room with the two small windows is a storage area. The left doorway to the right of the storage area goes to the garage. The right door goes to the stairway.
May 8 - Many of the rafters are now in place. The rest should be done in a day or two. The wall is higher near the men because there is a shed dormer there.
May 8 - This is a view from the front porch. You can see the edge of the cottage roof on the right at the top of the photo. The flat area on the right will be a deck.
May 8 - The garage is barely visible from the road. When it is painted to match the cottage, it will blend in nicely.
May 8 - The ceiling is framed. The small room just barely visible on the left will be a bath room. The large opening on the left will be doors going out to the deck.
May 9 - Dormer rafters have been installed. Lookout blocks are being installed on the gable for the flying rafters.
May 11 - Rafters are on the entire garage now. The lower part on the right is the stairwell.
May 11 - We run steel rods from the foundation to the top plate of our structures to insure they will withstand strong winds. If you look closely, you will see the 1/2 inch steel rods connected to the concrete slab.
May 11 - Today, plywood will be installed on the rafters. If all goes well, the garage will be dried in before the day is over.
May 14 - Plywood and ice and water shield is on the western side of the roof. The eastern side is being finished today.
May 14 - The roof plywood and Ice and Water shield is installed. Roofing will be started in the next few days.
May 14 - This is the upstairs room as seen from the stairwell. The framed in room on the left is a bathroom.
May 14 - Here are the stairs. They go down on the left side. Of course, a railing will be built around the floor. The framed wall will have sheet rock.
May 14 - This is a view off the deck. The house is on the right.
May 17 - This shows the back of the Gitlitz Cottage and Garage. The garage is to the right and has blue house wrap.
May 23 - The windows and doors came in and have been installed. They are Pella windows and look very nice.
May 23 - Although it is difficult to tell from this photo, the doors that go onto the deck are French doors. The rightmost door goes to the stairwell. The left door goes into the garage.
May 25 - There is a brick porch outside the storage room door on the garage.
May 31 - Exterior trim is done. Siding has begun.
May 31 - This shows the upper room window trim, garage door trim, corners and rake trim.