June 11 - A new well is being drilled to replace the existing well. The existing well is where the new garage will be located and must be decommissioned.
June 12 - The new well is in place. It has a white casing (pipe). The well has not been plumbed nor has the pump been moved yet. You can see the location of the back left corner of the garage (orange flag) compared to the flag. The yellow flag is the corner of the back kennel area behind the garage.
June 17 - This is the location of the new garage. Yesterday, the hitching post was removed. The half rotted tree in the upper right corner of the photo was removed and the organic matter was removed from the garage location.
June 17 - The site is now ready for fill and construction to begin. We are waiting for final plans so we can pull a permit.
June 18 - Now that the heavy equipment is finished with the tree removal, we have erected barrier tape to keep vehicles on the drive. The landscape lights also have flags to make them much more visible.