November 3 - Here is one of the front gables with one coat of stain on the cedar shingles. It's very overcast today making the siding look a lot darker.
November 3 - Here is the stain on the garage wall. They will have a more solid color after the final coat.
November 3 - Another wall is finished on the back porch. Just a few more walls on the porch and the house siding will be done.
November 3 - The scratch coat of stucco has been applied to the chimney on the porch and is ready for the tabby stucco.
November 4 - The shingle installation started today.
November 4 - The roofer estimates they should be finished next week if they get good weather.
November 4 - The owner's entry walk and the service yard are formed and ready for concrete. Once the gas pipe is buried the concrete will be poured.
November 4 - The owner's screen porch is now framed in and ready for paint.
November 4 - The public screen porch walls are now complete. The ceiling will be installed in the next few days.
November 4 - The fencing is being installed in the foundation walls. The section on the end will be hinged for access to the firewood rack.
November 6 - More shingles are on, the chimney is taking shape and the final coat is on the cedar siding.
November 6 - All of the painting is done on this dormer with the exception of the gable brackets. They will be stained to match the mahogany front door.
November 6 - The final coat is on the cedar siding. The lap siding is painted its color but gets one more coat.
November 6 - The final coat is on all of the cedar siding now. The trim on this wall needs painting and it will be finished.
November 6 - More shingles are installed over the laundry and garage. The dormer is completely painted.
November 6 - Some of the curtain wall tabby stucco went on today. This is fresh so it is a little darker than it will be when it is dry in a few days.
November 6 - The shingles over the master suite are nearly finished.
November 6 - All of the screen framing is finished for the owner's private screened porch. Once it is painted the screening will be installed.
November 6 - Here is a picture of the public screened porch vaulted ceiling with the cypress boards installed. This photo is looking nearly straight up.
November 7 - The final paint is on this section of the house and most of the masking has been removed. The colors look very good together.
November 7 - This wall has the final paint on it as well. The copper flashings are still masked off but they will add a nice accent once uncovered.
November 7 - The back porches are cleared off and masked up and are being painted. The back of the house will be finished up next week.
November 7 - The stucco on the chimney is finished now.
November 7 - Here is an up close picture of the chimney from the back side of the house.
November 7 - These are two of the four majestic live oaks that overhang and shade the rear of the house.
November 11 - Notice the tabby stucco is finished around the bottom now.
November 11 - The front elevation of the house is coming together nicely.
November 11 - Shingles are still being installed. Also notice the stucco is finished around the bottom.
November 11 - The shingles are completely finished on the north side of the house now.
November 11 - The stucco is finished around the bottom of the entire house now.
November 17 - The roof is completely finished now and the insulation contractor has begun spraying the foam insulation.
November 17 - The gas tank was buried today.
November 17 - Here you can see the ditch where the gas lines are buried from the tank to the house.
November 17 - Here is some of the finished foam insulation in the roof.
November 17 - The foam insulation is sprayed into every framing cavity and fills in completely with no gaps.
November 17 - The foam works great to seal around hard to reach areas such as around HVAC ducting.
November 20 - The insulation is complete now and today we passed our insulation inspection. The next step is drywall.
November 20 - All of the exterior walls and the roof were insulated with Icynene open-cell spray-foam insulation. This is the master bedroom.
November 20 - The studio above the garage was insulated with Icynene throughout.
November 20 - Even the garage ceiling and walls were insulated with Icynene. This will make the garage more comfortable year round.
November 20 - The walls and ceiling of all of the rooms were insulated to reduce sound transmission.
November 20 - Here is the sound insulation in the study.
November 20 - Drywall is being delivered to the house today. Drywall installation will start tomorrow or Monday.
November 25 - The spray foam insulation is finished between the house and the garage. We waited to spray this after the drywall was up on one side.
November 25 - Here the insulation was put around the breaker boxes in the laundry room.
November 26 - The view from the front door looking in towards the great room.
November 26 - The drywall hanging is finished now. They started Monday and hung all 400 sheets by the next day.
November 26 - This is the great room looking towards the fireplace. Drywall was left off on the bottom where wainscotting will go.
November 26 - This is a view from the owner's entry towards the guest suites on the far end.
November 26 - This is the studio over the garage.
November 26 - This is the garage. You can see the closet under the stairs and to the right side will be the work bench.