08 Sep September 2018
Willis Sinclair Homes
“The Lowcountry’s Premier Custom Home Builder”
Jessy, our youngest, has been writing a weekly blog for, well, 100 weeks. We celebrated with a cake and ice cream.
24 Gabriel Road
Lodge, South Carolina 29082
843 846 2500
September 2018
Number 55
From the desk
of Bill …
What’s in a name?
Sometimes, we are asked about our name: Willis Sinclair Homes.
The Willis part is pretty obvious. It is Willis’ nickname. (Both of our first names are William.) Willis is not a common name, but surprisingly, it is in both of our families. Willis and I both had uncles with the name Willis.
The Sinclair part of the name comes from my middle name. Sinclair is also my father’s middle name and his father’s middle name. There is a Sinclair name in the Ponds Family, too.
Willis Sinclair Ponds
aka Will
Around the time we started our company, About nine years ago, Will joined Willis & Debby’s family as their third son. He was named Willis Sinclair Ponds.
What difference does all of this make to you?
An important difference is that it is our names literally on the line. We did not just make up an impressive sounding home builder’s name. We used our family names. Not only is our company reputation on the line, but our family names are also.
Certainly, we are not perfect, but given the chance, we will do our best to correct any problems or issues you or anyone might have with us. Just call, text or email if there is a problem. We will do our best to fix it. We will never knowingly disappoint you. Our goal is to earn an unqualified. recommendation from all of our clients.
About the time you read this, Kandy and I will be celebrating our 50th anniversary (September 6, 2018). We have rented a cabin at Poinsett State Park (east of Columbia) for three days and a cabin at Myrtle Beach State Park just a few hundred feet from the beach for three more days to celebrate.
Who would have thought 50 years ago, we would be blessed with eight children (we each have one sibling) and 33 grandchildren (so far)?
This past month (August), Willis and Debby celebrated their 16th anniversary. They have been blessed with seven children (so far).
Me and my bride of 50 years (as of September 6, 2018).This was a Thanksgiving photo last year.
The Home Building Process
Suppose you decide you want to build a home, what do you do? Obviously, the process varies a bit from home to home, but the main parts stay the same. The order may change a bit from home to home.
Obtain land.
Select an architect and builder.
Site and prepare land.
Finalize design.
Build your home.
Finalize interior selections.
Monitor the building process.
Make changes as you get new ideas.
Enjoy your new home.
First, you need some land. Here in the South Carolina Lowcountry, you need to make sure it is suitable for construction. There is a lot of land that is very wet and that requires extra work to de-water. It is also a problem if you need a septic system. We would be happy to look at any land you consider and give you our honest opinion.
We dug a post hole to determine the ground water level on this lot. Water was about 6″ below the surface. De-watering was necessary.
After your land selection, you need an architect for the design of your home. You need land first so the architect can design your home with your land in mind. Selecting an architect can be a bit challenging. All architects have advantages and disadvantages you will have to weigh carefully. Of course, we would be happy to provide input helping you decide.
This should be an easy choice: Willis Sinclair Homes! Seriously, there are many other builders, so you should talk to several.
Don’t ask your friends,
“Were you happy with your builder?”
Often people won’t tell you if they had problems with their builder because they think it reflects badly on them.
Instead, ask them:
“Would you use your builder again?”
“Did your builder disappear when he was finished or did he take care of any issues that arose?”
Having a builder relatively early in the process can be useful. For example, some builders will coordinate with the architect to make sure the design is able to be built without unnecessary expense.
You need to give careful consideration to views from your property and also the entrance to your property. The views are primarily for your enjoyment. The approach gives visitors a first impression of your home and you want that to be the best possible.
Architectural Review Board Approvals
Typically, the ARB is concerned about the outward appearance of your home. They may be concerned with the exterior colors you select and the siting of your home. They will probably not care about the interior. They will also get involved with your landscaping to insure your project meets the community guidelines. While sometimes this is frustrating, it can help keep the standards of the community high.
Building process
Once construction is underway, don’t hesitate to make changes along the way. We bill change orders at our cost with zero markup. We don’t ever want a customer to say, “I wish I had changed that feature.”
It is a good idea to monitor the construction so you can make sure the home will meet your needs. You can monitor either by photos, personal visits and/or phone calls.
Selections During Construction
As the building process proceeds, you will have to make many selection decisions:
Plumbing fixtures,
Light (and fan) fixtures,
Flooring and
Interior paint colors.
Some owners engage a home decorator to help with their selections, some rely on input from the architect or builder and some make selections on their own.
As you outline your desires in a home, you can tell the architect what appliances you want. Do you want a separate refrigerator and freezer, an ice maker, a wine cooler, a warming oven or a trash compactor? Your architect or builder can provide guidance if you desire it. Appliances selections will affect framing, electrical, plumbing and cabinets so they should be chosen early.
Plumbing fixtures
Plumbing fixtures (sinks, lavatories, shower valves, et cetera) will also have to be decided as the house plans solidify. Some are easy to change, but some (such as adding body sprays in the shower) are more difficult once the rough in period has passed.
Light fixtures
Light fixtures will also need to be selected and placed on your plans. Typically this is done during a walk through with the electrician and builder. Can lights are available in several sizes and needless to say the choice of sconces, pendants and other lights is nearly endless.
You may know approximately where you want sconce lights, but the electrician has to mount the electrical boxes, so he has to know the exact box location.
You may also want ceiling fans in some areas and those require special mounting boxes.
Miscellaneous Items
In case you are wondering, we can build most homes in under one year. We bill (roughly) monthly for work done, materials purchased, deposits paid and an agreed upon fee.
Call us, we can help. No obligation, of course.
Willis Sinclair Homes
Willis Sinclair – not A name, OUR names.
Call Us
Willis: 843 599 9056
Bill: 843 846 2500
Abbey: 843 599 2302
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