December 1 - The door in Guest House Bath 1 is hung. The purple wallboard is moisture resistant board.
December 1 - The entry closet of the Guest House doors are hung. This closet will have a rod and shelf in it.
December 1 - The carpenters are finishing up the second beam. There are five total in the Great Room of the Main House.
December 1 - The open door (see the oil rubbed hinges) is Bedroom #1 entrance door. The cased opening straight ahead leads to the closet (with the visible door) and Bath #1 to the left.
December 1 - The cased opening in Bedroom #1 of the Guest House is being finished.
December 1 - This cased opening is in Bedroom #2 of the Guest House. Note the electrical panel on the wall. The closet door is also hung as is the bedroom door.
December 1 - Bath #2 door is hung in the Guest House.
December 2 - The bricks have been washed. They look much better. The white box on the wall is one of the tankless water heaters.
December 2 - The back of the house looks good with the clean bricks. Both porches will be screened.
December 2 - This side of the house has the electrical panels and a second water heater. It will also have a service yard.
December 2 - A second truss is completed. Work is beginning on the third one. There are five total in the Great Room.
December 2 - The front of the house looks good with the cleaned bricks. No brick work has been done inside yet. That will begin soon.
December 2 - The white pipe is a septic clean out.
December 2 - Two trusses are complete. These are decorative and provide no structural support.
December 2 - Even the breezeway brick looks better since they were cleaned.
December 5 - More of the 8 x 8 cedar beams are being milled for the Great Room beamwork. This is beam #3.
December 5 - This is a peak inside the Jr. Master Shower. It shows both niches. the niches will have a piece of solid granite in the bottom.
December 5 - The Jr. Master Bath floor is finished and grouted.
December 5 - It has been a few days since any work was done in Julie's Office. The floor looks very nice. The electrical outlet box in the center of the room will be cut off flush with the flooring when the floor is finished.
December 5 - The silver pipe is for make up air for the firebox of the chimney. The symbol that has green highlighting indicates an electrical outlet.
December 5 - The Brays Room firebox also has a make up air duct. This duct will be covered by the brick surround.
December 5 - The air intake (the round hole) for the Brays Room firebox is on the Kitchen Screened Porch.
December 5 - The Study floor also looks nice. It does not have an electrical outlet on the floor.
December 6 - Trim is being installed in Bedroom #1 of the Guest House.
December 6 - The trim is poplar. The walls are pine.
December 6 - Three beams are complete. Two will be in the Dining Room side of the fireplace and three will be in the Living Room side of the fireplace.
December 6 - The fourth beam is being cut. There are five beams in the Great Room.
December 6 - The pass through fireplace will be brick up to where the wood starts. It will be wood from there on up to the ceiling. This was taken from the Kitchen Island location.
December 6 - The soffit for over the Brays Room Kitchen area is framed. The grill hood will connect to the large duct.
December 7 - The crown is being installed in Bedroom #1 of the Guest House. Baseboard will be installed soon.
December 07 - The last 25 or so doors arrived today. These are for the Main House. They will be installed in the next few days.
December 7 - Four of the five Great Room beams are now built and ready to hang.
December 7 - The 8 x 8 cedar beams are on the 'operating table' for a few cuts here and there. This is the last Great Room beam.
December 7 - The bench is in place in the Jr. Master Shower. It gets tile on the face and granite on the top.
December 7 - Shower #2 in the Guest House has the bench in place. it is wrapped with tile. The top will be granite.
December 7 - Shower #1 in the Guest House also has the bench in place. This is the last of the shower benches.
December 8 - Cabinets are being unpacked in preparation for installation in the Guest House.
December 8 - There is a tall cabinet on the right as you enter the front door. The closet behind the double doors is for jackets.
December 8 - The kitchen cabinets are being moved into place.
December 8 - The crown molding is now above Shower #1 in the Guest House.
December 8 - Bedroom #2 has crown now. Windows are also trimmed.
December 8 - In the Laundry, the knee wall at the Dog Shower is now tiled. The knee wall will have a granite top on it. The washer hookup is visible to the left of the knee wall.
December 8 - The inside of the knee wall has a niche.
December 8 - Tile is going on the wall behind the water closet in the powder bath.
December 8 - The Jr. Master bench has tile on the front. It will have a granite seat.
December 9 - The last truss is nearly complete. It just needs its top cord installed and it's ready to be put into place.
December 9 - The rest of the base cabinets, except for the island, were installed today in the guest house.
December 9 - The guest house kitchen top cabinets are installed. There will be more trim added around the top eventually.
December 9 - Houston, we have a problem! Somehow, in spite of careful planning, this cabinet is too close to the door.
December 9 - The cabinet on the right is much closer to the door than the one on the left.
December 9 - The tall pantry cabinet is installed. The cabinet is centered on the short wall which required moving the switch on that wall to inside of the cabinet.
December 9 - One of the guest bath cabinets is installed.
December 9 - The other guest bath cabinet is also installed. One drawer is missing because there is a pipe in the way in the back. It will have to be moved over.
December 12 - The detail work in the small laundry hallway of the Guest House is being finished. The wire is for a smoke detector.
December 12 - The kitchen cabinets around the wall of the Guest Kitchen are in place. The island has not been assembled yet.
December 12 - As cabinet boxes are distributed to their rooms, the garage is getting emptied.
December 12 - The Laundry room has a lot of cabinets ready for installation.
December 12 - A Bath #3 cabinet is sitting in Julie's Office ready for installation in the Bath.
December 12 - The Jr. Master Bath has cabinets in it ready for installation.
December 12 - In the Great Room, the five large trusses are built. The beams making up the trusses are now being chamfered. Within the next day or two, the beams will be attached to the ceiling.
December 12 - The hoist to raise the trusses is on site and ready. This is a hoist similar to the one used to lift the large HVAC unit into placed.
December 13 - The first of the beams is now in place on the Kitchen gable in the Dining Room.
December 13 - The lavatory base cabinet in Bath #3 is installed. There was a question about the upper cabinet location. It will be installed soon.
December 13 - The Jr. Master cabinets are being installed.
December 13 - The cabinet is installed over the toilet in the Jr. Master Bath.
December 13 - The second bedroom is getting interior trim installed.
December 14 - The crown, baseboard and window trim is being finished in Guest House Bedroom #2. The Great Room & Kitchen remain.
December 14 - Three of the large Main House trusses are now in place. This view is from the Kitchen. One truss is overhead and out of sight of the camera.
December 14 - From the Foyer, all three trusses are (partially) visible. The 2x4 with lights on it is temporary lighting.
December 14 - This is the hoist (along with 4 large men) that is used to hoist the trusses into place. We put plywood down on the floor to make sure we did not leave impressions in it as we rolled the loaded hoist.
December 14 - Two more trusses are assembled and ready to install as soon as the lumber (on the right) is moved out of the way.
December 14 - The brick has been drilled for the shutter pintles (pins that hold the shutter strap hinges). It is rainy and slowing down outside work a little.
December 14 - One set of shutters is being hung on the garage. There are 16 pair of shutters.
December 15 - The shutters are installed on the road side of the garage. One shutter is open and one closed in the photo.
December 15 - Shutters are being installed on the Guest House. Again, one shutter is open and one shut in the photo.
December 15 - This is the fourth truss that has been installed. It is the only one not adjacent to a wall or the chimney. It is in the center of the Living Room part of the Great Room in the Main House.
December 15 - This photo shows the truss adjacent to the chimney and the fourth one which is in the center of the Great Room on the Living Room side.
December 15 - The 'wall' on the left is the chimney. The far gable wall will have the fifth and final truss installed on it.
December 15 - The cabinets in the Jr. Master Bath are about complete. The posts will support the granite top. The blue boxes on the walls will be electrical outlets.
December 15 - This is the lavatory cabinet in Bath #1 of the Guest House.
December 15 - The Guest House Kitchen cabinets are pretty well installed. The Kitchen Island cabinets are not installed yet because there is still trim material in the way.
December 15 - This view is looking out the front door of the Guest House. The door on the left is where the washer and dryer will be installed.
December 15 - Cabinets are being installed in the Laundry Room of the Main House.
December 15 - In the Guest House, crown molding goes over the shower tile. This particular shower is in Bath #1. The white stub on the left tile wall is where the shower head will be installed.
December 15 - This is Closet #1 with a shelf. It will have a rod mounted beneath it. Each of the bedroom closets and the entrance closet in the Guest House will have a shelf and a rod for hanging clothes.
December 15 - From the road, the Main House and Guest House look nice. The Breezeway to the Garage is visible on the left edge of the photo.
December 16 - Trim is on the Great Room side of both bedroom doors. The trim is poplar and will be painted.
December 16 - Both bedrooms of the Guest House have the trim finished in them.
December 16 - The shutters are installed on the Guest House. Notice the 'S' shutter dogs (hold backs).
December 16 - The gable window on the Guest House end of the Main House has shutters.
December 16 - In Bath #3/Julie's Office Bath, the cabinets are installed. This one is over the toilet.
December 16 - All five trusses are installed in the Great Room of the Main House. One is at the top edge of the photo. Another is in the middle of the room and one is on the far gable.
December 16 - Looking toward the kitchen shows four of the trusses. One is at the top of the photo. One is on either side of the chimney and one on the far gable.
December 16 - The stack of large cedar beams is getting smaller. The Kitchen and Foyer have solid beams. Several rooms have built up beams.
December 16 - The rear of the garage has shutters. Some are open and some are closed as the carpenters install the shutter dogs.
December 16 - The gable window at the top of the Brays room has shutters.
December 16 - The shutters on the Guest House really dresses it. The small shutters on the front are on bath windows. Each bedroom has large shutters.
December 19 - Shutters are being hung on the house. They are primarily on the front of the house.
December 19 - Trim work is continuing in the Guest House.
December 19 - The shutters are large enough to cover the windows. The shutter dogs (hold backs) have not been installed yet.
December 19 - Sheet rock holes have been cut where the beams will be installed in the kitchen. These beams will be solid cedar 6 x 6 beams.
December 19 - Now that the five large trusses are in place, the Foyer side wall of the Great Room is being installed.
December 19 - The Foyer wall is nearly complete. Once it is finished, the Brays Room wall will be covered.
December 19 - Bricks have been stacked on the back porch to get them out of the weather (rain) and get them close to the Brays Room fireplace.
December 19 - The Owner's Entry/Laundry room (left) and Master Walk in Closet (right) windows have shutters.
December 20 - The Guest House Great Room is getting a 1x8 poplar band around where the ceiling and walls join.
December 20 - Bricks are queued and ready for the Guest House fireplace. The mason was scheduled to begin today, but is sick.
December 20 - The far wall in the Main House Great Room is now covered with wood. That was the last wall. Wood will be installed on the ceiling starting this afternoon.
December 20 - The Main House Kitchen beams have their edges chamfered and are about ready to hang.
December 20 - This is the end of one beam. A screw will go in the hole and it will be plugged with a piece of wood.
December 20 - Cabinets are being unpacked for installation in the Master Bath and Master Walk in Closet of the main house.
December 20 - This is how the Foyer looks when you are in the Dining Room.
December 20 - This is the view when you enter the front door. The chimney is on the left. The ceiling installation in the Great Room should begin in the afternoon.
December 21 - Carpenters are preparing to install beams in the Foyer. There will be four beams. The beams will be attached by hidden brackets. Sheet rock has been cleared where the beam will attach.
December 21 - The Kitchen beams in the Main House are in place.
December 21 - The Foyer beams will be installed over each door post and against each side of the room. There will be trim over the transoms up to the bottom of the beams.
December 21 - The Brays Room ceiling is complete.
December 21 - The window in the Brays Room gable is now trimmed.
December 21 - This is how the Kitchen beams look from the Brays Room. Note the beam nearly hidden by the door opening in the upper left side of the photo.
December 21 - A band board goes around the Guest House. This room will also have beams on the ceiling.
December 21 - The Guest House chimney is being constructed. It will go to the ceiling.
December 21 - Bricks for the corbels are being laid with brick. The corbels will support the mantle on this surround. Wood blocks provide support for the corbels until the mortar sets. The aluminum post on the right side of the photo helps keep the brick plumb and level.
December 23 - The Guest House fireplace is complete except for the mantle and the gas logs. the brick hearth was finished today.
December 23 - The fireplace surround goes to the ceiling. There will be a flat screen TV mounted to the front where the electrical outlet and blue signal wires are.
December 23 - This is looking down at the hearth. The bricks were trimmed in length to make the pattern work out.
December 23 - The hearth is about an inch above the floor. It has to be higher than the fire brick in the fire box. The pipe below the blue box is the gas shutoff valve.
December 23 - The Foyer ceiling beams have now been chamfered. They need one more sanding and they will be installed (probably Monday).
December 23 - The fireplace in the Brays Room is being bricked. The wood on the fireplace temporarily to hold 'story' poles to insure brick are plumb and straight.
December 23 - The hearth will be laid on the mortar bed in front of the firebox. It will be brick. with a patter similar to the Guest House hearth.