January 9 - The driveway is covered with wood chips. Much of the protective fencing is in place.
January 17 - Footers for the house and garage have been dug.
January 24 - Steel is placed in the footers. They were ready for inspection on January 22, but rain filled the trenches. They are now clean, inspected and ready to pour.
January 24 - A view of the footers looking South. The large footer is for one of the chimneys.
January 24 - Pouring is underway. Concrete was pumped because the ground was soft.
January 25 - Footers are poured. Block laying will begin in a day or so.
January 25 - The power pole for temporary power is installed.
January 25 - The job site sign is up and lettered.
January 29 - The footer is finished and most of the blocks are in place.
January 29 - The house blocks are up. A steel beam will run down the center of the house.