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Prev: Nov 2017
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December 15 - The dewatering trench is being filled with gravel.
December 15 - The trench is now filled and has extra gravel for access to the lot. A silt fence will be erected along the trench (with an opening for the drive) next week.
December 15 - The sump pump is wired and pumps to a nearby drainage ditch.
December 15 - This is looking down our pump box. Water in the bottom is from the dewatering trench. (There is a screened opening on the right side of the box at the bottom.) The pump is the black circle on the left. There is a float in the water to turn the pump on and off as necessary.
December 15 - When the pump turns on, it pumps a healthy stream of water out the 1-1/2-in pipe.
December 18 - The batter boards and strings are up for the main house. The garage was being laid out when the photo was taken. The top of the batter boards is the floor level.
December 19 - The electrician is pulling wire through a flexible conduit to power the well pump. This will give us water at the site.
December 19 - They are also wiring a temporary box so subcontractors can have power for their tools. It is near the well and the house.
December 19 - The job sign is getting painted. This is the back of the sign after the first coat. The sign should be finished and erected by the end of the week.
December 20 - In the distance you can see the barrier fencing. Typically this is orange fencing for visibility, but here we use dark green. The layout strings for the house are also visible in the foreground.
December 20 - The black silt fence is designed to prevent dirt from washing into the waterways. The opening is for access to the lot.
December 20 - The temporary electrical box is wired and live. It is near the house and garage locations.
December 20 - The well pump is wired and working.
December 20 - This is the view from near the road. The dewatering trench has been filled with gravel where the drive crosses it. The sump pump is out of the photo on the left.
December 20 - The front of the job sign is now being painted. It still needs a coat or two of paint and then the letters will be applied. The sign should be in place before the weekend.
December 22 - The plan and permit mail box is lettered and on a nice pedestal.
December 22 - The job sign is painted, lettered and ready to erect. It is leaning against our office trailer.
December 22, 5pm - The job sign and permit box are in place on the site.
December 28 - The skid steer is on site. It will be used this (Thursday) afternoon to remove the grass. A mini-excavator will be dropped off probably tomorrow.
December 29 - The grass has been removed where the main house will be built. Notice the mini excavator in the background. it will be used to dig the footers.
December 29 - Grass has also been removed from the garage area. The well and tank is in the background on the right side.
December 29 - The garage is in the foreground with the main house in the distance.