November 2 - The columns are getting a small base. This is the owner's entry porch at the breezeway.
November 2 - Each column also has a capital (trim around the top). The capital is similar to the base.
November 2 - The tub marble deck is in place. The tub is dirty because it was filled with water to weigh it down while the mortar beneath it set. Dust and dirt settled in the tub. It will be cleaned as soon as the faucet is plumbed.
November 2 - The master bath vanity top is now in place.
November 2 - The master shower door threshold is installed. The opening will be measured for a door in the next day or two.
November 2 - Corbels to support the counter top have arrived. They are being installed. You can see them sitting on the half wall. The tops should be here in a couple of weeks.
November 2 - The counter top supports have been installed. The blue tape (hopefully) keeps people from walking into the steel supports. Notice the cardboard and hardboard on the floor to protect it.
November 2 - The breezeway ceiling is being finished.
November 6 - Back steps (facing golf course) are being built.
November 6 - Each of the three porches has a small scuttle hole so the termite sub can get under the porches to do the treatment.
November 6 - The pocket door is installed in the pantry. A cabinet will be installed to the left of the door.
November 6 - The base cabinets are installed. Some of the wall cabinets have been hung.
November 6 - The large opening on the left is for a refrigerator and freezer.
November 6 - The wood applique has been built over the fireplace.
November 6 - Final steps have been built for the breezeway. They will have a handrail to meet code.
November 6 - Here comes the permanent power line. It goes under a drain for the outdoor shower (towards the center) and the water supply line (foreground) for the main house.
November 6 - The wall behind the refrigerator and freezer is bricked even though it is not visible with the current appliances.
November 7 - The power is connected. Note the meter!
November 7 - The steps off the master bedroom porch are built. There is a gravel pad at the foot of the steps.
November 7 - These steps are off the large screened porch. The ground will be brought up to the bottom step and a landing will be built at the foot of the steps.
November 7 - Cabinets are prepped for counter tops.
November 7
November 9 - The painters have bricks covered with plastic in preparation for spraying.
November 9 - A cabinet, cubbies and a bench are now installed in the mud room.
November 9 - The pantry is straight ahead. The large cabinet at the far end will have a mirror door over it.
November 19 - The front door has been installed. Glass will be ordered in a few days.
November 19 - The laundry barn door is built and is being painted. Notice the back side of the front door (covered in plastic).
November 19 - Counter tops have been installed. Cabinets are still protected with painters plastic.
November 19 - Now that the counter tops are in place, the remainder of the upper cabinets can be installed.
November 19 - The bar counter top has also been installed along with the sinks.
November 19 - The area under the steps is for electronic equipment.
November 19 - The painters are masking wood and handrails so they can spray.