October 1 - The guest house and garage were insulated with open cell spray foam. The guest house also has rock wool sound insulation around all bathrooms and bedrooms.
October 4 - The garage walls and roof are insulated in the event the auto bays are ever conditioned. In the event they are not conditioned, the insulation will help moderate the temperature in the auto bays and attic.
October 4 - The tack room will be conditioned. It has insulation on all walls and on the ceiling.
October 4 - More bricks are laid on the front porch. Lintels to support brick over the openings (doors & windows) are ordered.
October 15 - Wood is being installed on the walls of the guest house. This wood is known as 'nickel gap' because it has fixed gaps between boards about the width of a nickel. Sound insulation is visible on the right wall above the wood walls.
October 15 - A brick row lock is being laid around the front porch. The center of the porch will be slate.
October 15 - The main house is now insulated. This is the roof of the great room. Two HVAC ducts are also visible between the joists.
October 15 - Blocking is installed on the walls of the powder bath to support the lavatory. This is an exterior wall, hence the foam.
October 15 - Sound insulation is being installed. Obviously, it was not complete when this photo was taken.
October 15 - Interior trim has been installed for the auto bay (garage) doors.
October 19 - More wood has been installed on the guest house walls. The guest house ceilings are dry wall.
October 19 - The shower walls are being prepped for tile.
October 19 - Masons are laying row lock bricks around the perimeter of the south side entrance. The center of the porch will be slate like the other porches on the main house.
October 19 - The V-groove ceiling is being installed in the outdoor kitchen.
October 19 - Sheet rock is being hung in the main house. There are a number of wood walls and ceilings in the main house
October 19 - This is the north vestibule. It has a sheet rock ceiling and will have wood walls.
October 19 - The ceiling on the rear porch is in place. Bricks will go over the doors when the lintels are installed.
October 22 - Cabinets for the guest house have arrived. They will be installed in early November after the floor is down.
October 22 - The outdoor kitchen ceiling is nearly complete. The back porch ceiling is also visible here. The door will have brick 'soldiers' (bricks laid vertically) over it when the lintel is placed.
October 22 - Dirt is removed around the outdoor kitchen so bricks can be laid on the concrete footers.
October 22 - The outdoor kitchen has a short wall of siding and longer brick walls. The open sides will be screened. A counter will be on the far end.
October 22 - Dirt has been removed where the rear steps will be built. Rebar will keep the step foundation and the porches tightly connected.
October 22 - The condensing unit for the guest HVAC is in place. Air conditioning is woking in the guest house. The gas tank is a temporary tank for supplying hot water. It will be removed when the permanent buried tank is installed.
October 22 - This is bedroom #3. It has an amazing view. Sheet rock has been hung. It will be finished in the next couple of days.
October 22 - The master bedroom has sheet rock walls and a wood ceiling with exposed beams.
October 24 - Masons are laying a brick veneer wall around the breakfast room.
October 24 - The outdoor kitchen wall is complete except for the top row lock. The outdoor kitchen floor will be slate. The bare blocks on the right are where one set of the back steps will be built.
October 24 - This is the northwest corner of the outdoor kitchen. It will have a row lock course around the top. It slopes slightly so water (from blowing rain) will not stand on it.
October 24 - This is the north side of the outdoor kitchen. The block walls will have stucco on them. An access door will be installed in the opening of the foundation wall.
October 24 - The guest house has simple trim. The crown is 1x4 where the ceiling - wall intersection is horizontal. The width has to be adjusted where the ceiling slopes.
October 24 - This photo shows how the widths are different on the crown that slopes and the crown that is horizontal. The widths match at the joints.
October 24 - The tile floor in bath #1 is being laid. The tile floor is in the bath and out into the closet area.
October 24 - Bath #2 floor and shower are ready for tile.
October 25 - Window trim is going up in guest house. These windows are not finished yet.
October 25 - Bath #2 floor tile is about finished.
October 25 - Bath #1 and closet tile is laid. It is not grouted yet.
October 25 - Brick now wraps the foundation under the breakfast room and kitchen.
October 25 - The service yard is painted. The electrical meter is mounted. The generator is inside the yard.
October 25 - The view from the lake looks nice. Notice the brick on the foundation. Where there is no brick, it will get stucco.
October 25 - The kitchen is the last room to get wood walls. Window trim is next.
October 25 - The dirt was dug from where the stair foundation will go.
October 25 - The garage is trimmed inside. It will be painted next week.
October 30 - Drywall has been hung in main house. It is being finished.
October 30 - The brick kitchen wing walls are being laid. They are on a block wall that goes down to the foundation. The walls will extend to the ceiling.
October 30 - This is the front view. The brick walls are perpendicular to the wall. Camera optics make them appear to be at an angle. The brick walls will extend to the ceiling. The pipe is for the hood vent.
October 30 - This is bedroom #2. Sheet rock has been hung and is being finished. Sanding makes a lot of dust hence the windows are open.
October 30 - This is the hallway to bedrooms #2 and #3 (#3 is straight ahead). Most of the walls in this wing are sheet rock. The sheet rock finishing will be done by the end of the day.
October 30 - The garage is being painted. As the project draws to a close, the floor will be epoxied.