August 3 - We were short one crew member today but we did finish the decking.
August 3 - We also began installing the subflooring for the new bedroom. This is as far as we can go until the temporary shoring is removed.
August 3 - Underneath this floor is a framed opening for the new access door. You can just see the corners of the new door where the saw kerfs are.
August 3 - The new floor fits neatly against the existing door. Although not technically ADA compliant, this could be navigated by a wheel chair if necessary.
August 3 - We cut into the existing wall to make beam pocket and add in addition support studs.
August 3 - We cut into the existing wall to make beam pocket and add in addition support studs.
August 3 - The intersection of the two beams will be on this corner. The plywood has been partially removed to make a space for the beam bracket fit.
August 3 - The intersection of the two beams will be on this corner. The plywood has been partially removed to make a space for the beam bracket fit.
August 4 - The two beams are in place now and are being prepared for final positioning. The beam on the left will be lowered into the metal bracket when all is ready.
August 4 - The shorter beam had to be placed first or else we couldn't have gotten it in. We lifted it extra high so that we could nail the beam bracket to the other beam.
August 4 - The new access hole is finished now. The cover was built along with the floor so it matches perfectly. We will add a hinge on one end and a flush pull on the other.
August 4 - The decking on the very end of the new porch was finished today. We ran these out for added strength. The screen framing will cover the joint in the floor.
August 4 - The corners of porch decking are always hard to build. They don't really rest on anything so they have to be carefully glued and assembled.
August 5 - The beams are all installed now and bolted to the house. We have removed the North wall of the old bedroom and you can see the two supports here under the beam.
August 5 - The beams flushed out perfectly with the interior ceiling and the old porch ceiling will also flush out perfectly once we have that reattached to the house.
August 5 - Tomorrow we have to attach the floor trusses to the new beam and then we can remove the last wall.
August 5 - Here you can see the support on the very end of the long beam. This support doubles as a corner post for the walls of what will be the new linen closet.
August 5 - Here you can see the ends of some of the bolts we used to attach the house to the beam. We have 3 bolts every 16 inches along this beam for a total of 30 bolts.
August 5 - The A/V guy came today and moved all of the media wires out of the way of the new layout. Since all of the walls and ceilings were open that made it much easier.
August 5 - He did a great job and the new system should work better than the old and be more robust. He will make one more trip to finish once the new walls are up.
August 5 - Here is the access door to the crawl space in the new porch floor. It is loose and ready for hinges and a pull. It is solid so you don't notice when you walk on it.
August 6 - We finished the beam work today. The ceiling and second story on this corner is now supported by the added beams and supports.
August 6 - Since the floor trusses had been sitting on the old wall we had to add joist hangers to hold them up to the new beam.
August 6 - All but a couple of the old porch ceiling joists have been reattached to the new beam. They had to be adjusted a little to make them level with the rest of the ceiling.
August 6 - The floor is now clear of the temporary supports and is cleaned and ready for the rest of the subflooring.
August 6 - All in all the addition of beams and removal of the load bearing walls went well. When the last support was removed we could not detect any sagging whatever.
August 6 - Here you can see what the new beams are holding up. This corner of the roof and the load from the upstairs rooms are weighing on the beams below.
August 7 - We installed the rest of the subflooring today so that is completely done now. It flushes out perfectly with the old floor.
August 7 - We also installed most of the wall sill plates today. You can see on the left were the bathroom closet will be.
August 7 - The new bedroom will go from the near post to the far wall and from the left all the way to the right side. It will have windows along the back for the view.
August 7 - We installed our first section of exterior wall today as well. We put a heavy header of this window opening to support the beam above where the post was removed.
August 7 - We installed our first section of exterior wall today as well. We put a heavy header of this window opening to support the beam above where the post was removed.
August 10 - A couple of the windows are framed in now. Some more A/V wiring was installed today as well. This short wall is where the TV will go.
August 10 - The exterior walls are double layered and so are extra thick. We did this to work around the brick on the outside and the porch beam on the inside.
August 10 - The studs are laid out for the exterior walls around the bathroom. We will be installing these tomorrow.
August 11 - A lot was done today. Here you can see more window framing and a can light that was installed by the electricians today.
August 11 - Framing for the new door is now complete. The switches beside the door as well as two more can lights are also installed now.
August 11 - The windows sills for the three big windows were installed today. These window sills will be very deep once finished.
August 11 - Plumbing rough-in started today. They are mostly finished after only their first day. You can see the plumbing for the new vanities here.
August 11 - This will be the bed wall for the bedroom and the switches beside the bed and outlets behind the bed are installed now.
August 11 - This is the rough-in plumbing for one shower. You can see the two body sprays on the right side.
August 11 - This is the rough-in plumbing for the other shower. The dark vertical board is where the hand-held shower will be mounted.
August 11 - All of the plumbing was rerouted from the middle of what will be the new closet. The section of floor was taken up to be replaced due to water damage.
August 11 - All of the plumbing was rerouted from the middle of what will be the new closet. The section of floor was taken up to be replaced due to water damage.
August 11 - All of the rerouted pipes were able to be located inside of walls with the exception of the large drain pipe. It will be boxed around in the corner.
August 12 - The pocket door framing is all finished now and the electrical is installed on either side. The electrical rough-in is complete everywhere now.
August 12 - Pocket doors are tedious to frame in order to insure they work properly. Each stud was hand picked to make sure it is not bowed and isn't likely to bow.
August 12 - The opening into the closet was framed today. The framing that was removed had supported the beam above. The new framing now carries the load.
August 12 - The plan is to leave the closet opening open to the ceiling. The plates will have to be trimmed if we are to do that. We recommend lowering a header to create a room break.
August 12 - The exterior walls are nearly all framed now. One more good day and we will have that done and be ready for sheathing.
August 12 - The north wall of the bedroom is all framed now. The electrical is installed as well. We were careful to make sure the outlet was dead centered under the window.
August 12 - Here is an outside view of the finished wall framing. In the next day or so we will cover it with plywood sheathing.
August 12 - The two large windows on the rear of the bedroom will offer a beautiful view of the backyard and pond.
August 13 - The north and east bedroom windows are now all framed.
August 13 - The bathroom window is also framed in now. It is 48 inches off the floor so that grab bars can be installed underneath it.
August 13 - The last wall is up now. The front corner and the rest of the addition are now closed in by framing.
August 13 - This north wall of the house is now all framed. It has the small window for the bathroom and one of the three large bedroom windows.
August 13 - The framing is all finished on this side as well. There are two windows on this wall in addition to the window on the right side and double French doors on the left side.
August 13 - Soon the outside of the addition will be covered with plywood.
August 14 - It was decided to drop a header across the openings to the bedroom and closet. The bedroom opening header is now installed.
August 14 - The header will create a nice room break and keep the bedroom to itself and separate from the entry.
August 14 - Blocking was installed in the wall today to support handicap railings. The far wall is beside the toilet and the close wall is near the shower.
August 14 - The handicap shower has blocking all the way around so that bars can be installed wherever they may be needed.
August 14 - The blocking extends under the window as well. The window has plywood jamb liners to keep the window opening straight, true and sturdy.
August 14 - Here are the views that the new bedroom will enjoy. This is the north and east directions.
August 14 - This is the east direction and the double French doors will provide the view in the south direction.
August 17 - We spent our time today releveling the old ceiling and adding blocking for sheetrock. Because of the differing directions of joists and wide spans we will be using 5/8 inch sheetrock.
August 17 - We don't typically add blocking on top of walls that run perpendicular to the joists. However, these old joists are 24 inches apart so we added extra blocking.
August 17 - Blocking for the sheetrock was added above the shower today. We will be using water resistent sheetrock above and around the shower.
August 18 - The closet lights are now changed to can lights. It was planned to have surface mounted florescent lights but these will be much less obtrusive.
August 18 - More than half of the plywood was installed today. The bottom row is treated for extra weathering protection. The housewrap comes next and then windows.
August 18 - The east wall of the bedroom has its first two rows of plywood and awaits the last (top) row.
August 18 - The first two rows are up on the north wall as well. Blocking is installed between the plywood joints to reinforce for hurricane and siesmic conditions.
August 18 - HVAC started today. The indoor unit and some of the duct work is in.
August 19 - Most of the plywood is up now on the walls. The reinstallation of the trim and siding on the chimney is in progress also. They had to be removed to fix a roof leak.
August 19 - This wall is all covered with plywood now. You can see the middle section where the TV will be mounted. This will accomodate a nice sized TV.
August 19 - The north wall of the bedroom has all of its plywood now as well. We will have Icynene spray-foam insulation installed in the exterior walls.
August 19 - The HVAC guys came again today and installed most of the rest of the duct work. The trunk line going across the ceiling will have to be boxed around later.
August 19 - A good portion of the closet was taken up by the HVAC unit but there is still some room left for some nice sized shelves.
August 19 - The supply plenum is nice and compact and allows all of the supplies to exit above the ceiling. This will leave a neat finish in the end.
August 19 - A new return duct was added to the non-remodeled part of the house. This will balance the old system since some of its ducting was removed.
August 19 - Here you can see where the ducting for the additional return was run down the wall. This will be in a corner of the closet and will have to be boxed in.
August 20 - The HVAC system rough-in is now complete. You can see the drain lines and refrigerant lines installed next to the air handler.
August 19 - The bracket for the wall-hung toilet was installed today. We will build a new wall around the bracket to accomodate its depth requirement.
August 20 - The HVAC system rough-in is now complete. You can see the drain lines and refrigerant lines installed next to the air handler.
August 20 - The return duct is routed across the bathroom ceiling to the entryway wall. We will add framing to box in the duct work.
August 20 - The supply duct for the bathroom as well as the exhaust duct for the bath fan are now installed. The exhaust will exit through a vent in the soffit.
August 20 - The supply ducts for the bedroom are now installed. They are symmetrically placed in the room along with the can lights, despite the cramped framing.
August 20 - The roof and flashing around the chimney had to be reworked to fix a leak. Siding and trim was taken off in order to do this. The siding and trim is in the process of being reinstalled.
August 20 - In addition to a roof leak, the corner trims were also a problem. They had deteriorated with exposure to water and needed replacing near the bottom.
August 20 - This is the side of the chimney that will see the most water from the roof. You can see how we prepared the walls with peal and stick water proofing ahead of the siding and trim.
August 20 - This is the back of the chimney with the 'cricket' to divert the water. Here, again, we were careful to seal behind the siding very well.
August 20 - This is the back side of the chimney with its new trim and siding installed. The new pieces of trim are PVC so they will never rot.
August 20 - Another side of the chimney is now complete. This roof and siding should be good for a very long time from now with a good caulking and paint job.
August 20 - Here is the (nearly) completed chimney. We ran short by one piece of trim and will install that tomorrow. With a good coat of paint the chimney will look great.
August 21 - The last bits of plywood are now up. The piece over the door is darker because it is treated. We used every piece to the best advantage to minimize waste.
August 21 - The back of the shower and what used to be our temporary 'door' is now closed in. We have to walk around to the back to get in now.
August 21 - With all of the plywood finished we are now ready for housewrap, windows, doors and then exterior trim and siding.
August 21 - The wall behind the toilet was built out today. The toilet is a wall-hung model so the wall had to be extra deep and beefed up to handle the weight.
August 21 - Above the toilet we added boxing to close in the return duct for the HVAC system. The boxing is 8 feet off the floor so not so low as to be an issue.
August 21 - Above the toilet we added boxing to close in the return duct for the HVAC system. The boxing is 8 feet off the floor so not so low as to be an issue.
August 21 - The boxing was framed around the old return duct today as well. This does shorten the length of the closet shelves but it will all work out well when finished.
August 24 - The Icynene open cell spray foam insulation was installed today. Here you can see it in the exterior walls of the master bedroom.
August 24 - The Icynene continues around the master bathroom exterior walls as well.
August 24 - The Icynene stops at transition between the exterior walls and the interior walls. The interior will be insulated for sound with fiberglass batts.
August 24 - The Icynene makes a really nice consistent blanket of insulation. There is not a crack or void left uninsulated when using Icynene.
August 24 - Icynene also works nicely for 'fire blocking'. This is an air stop located within a wall to prevent a fire that may occur in the bottom of a wall from spreading to the top.
August 24 - The plywood on this wall is covering the opening left by the old window we removed today. The opening is framed in and ready for its sound insulation and sheetrock.
August 24 - While the foam insulation was being sprayed on the inside we were installing housewrap and window flashing on the outside.
August 24 - Here you can see the window opening all prepared for the windows to be installed. We fabricate a 'sill pan' out of self-adhesive waterproof window wrap.
August 24 - After the opening is prepared we add silicone sealant to the window flanges and then nail them in the openings. We will follow this up with window wrap around the sides and top.
August 24 - Here is the window we installed today. It is in the master shower and will require special care on the interior to finish it to be waterproof.
August 25 - The interior wall and ceiling insulation was installed today. The wall to the left separates the master suite from the rest of the house.
August 25 - This wall separates the master bedroom from the bathroom.
August 25 - The ceiling of the bedroom is all insulated and ready for insulation inspection and then sheetrock.
August 25 - The rest of the windows were also installed today. They give a great view of the picturesque back yard.
August 25 - The window between the master suite and the rest of the house is removed and closed up temporarily in anticipation of sheetrock. This wall will be smooth when finished.
August 25 - The windows really change the look of the outside of the house. We are now ready to begin exterior trim and siding.
August 26 - The exterior door was installed today. These doors take some time to install correctly. This one works perfectly now that it is installed.
August 26 - The sheetrock was delivered today. Tomorrow installation will begin and in a few days it should be finished and ready for trim.
August 26 - Exterior trim also began today. Here you can see the bottom skirt board. The corner trim and first row of siding sits on this.
August 26 - The top frieze trim is now installed on this wall and the corner is about to be installed.
August 26 - Now the corner is installed. Once the window is trimmed, we will start installing the siding.
August 27 - Drywall was installed everywhere today. In the shower, down low where the tile goes, it was left out. Concrete board will be installed behind the tile in the shower.
August 27 - The drywall is installed in the bedroom. The taping and mudding will start tomorrow. That will likely take 3-4 days to finish.
August 27 - The closet as well as the opening between the closet and hall are drywalled. The opening is wrapped in drywall.
August 27 - Exterior trim and siding went well today in spite of the rain. The large overhang allowed us to work mostly out of the rain.
August 27 - The wall on the right side lacks just a couple pieces of siding to be finished. The wall on the left needs its window trim and then its siding.
August 28 - The outside HVAC condensing unit was installed today. The system is now powered up and running. The inside was cooled down in just a couple of hours.
August 28 - Drywall taping and mudding began today. It will take one more coat of mud and then sanding and the drywall will be ready for paint.
August 28 - In the bathroom behind all of the plumbing, as well as in the shower, we had moisture resistent drywall installed. Soon we will be ready for cabinets.
August 28 - The view from the bedroom through the entry into the closet is shaping up. The flooring is next, then interior doors, trim and paint.
August 28 - The window between the bedroom and living room is closed up now with drywall. When finished this will just be a smooth wall with no evidence of a window.
August 28 - We had a light rain late morning and all afternoon. We managed to install some more siding and trim though. Two more days and we should be finished.
August 28 - Here is where the addition meets the old house. The siding and trim was replaced to blend the new back into the old bay window.
August 31 - The last coat of drywall mud was applied to the patch in the living room today. Once this dries it will be sanded and ready for paint.
August 31 - The new master bedroom is all mudded now. The joints are mudded wide to provide a smooth and flat surface.
August 31 - The tile installer started today. Here you can see the tiler underlayment on the bathroom floor.
August 31 - The walls of the showers have most of the backer board installed. The bottom part will be installed once the pan is in on the floor.
August 31 - On the outside, we finished the north wall and installed all of the trim on the east wall today. It was pouring rain when the photo was taken, thus the angle.
August 31 - Baseboard installation on the porch also began today. Since the porch was lifted 12 inches we had to uninstall and reinstall the baseboard.
August 31 - The entry door wall to the bedroom is all trimmed out now. We also reinstalled some ceiling that was removed during demolition.